Lost Memories: Ghosts of the Past 1st Devlog

Hello guys! 

This is the first devlog that i am doing and i am glad to announce that most of the bugs have been fixed. 

After  1 year and 6 months i am glad what i have achieved with this project and i hope that there will be only progression from now on. We are close to get into the pre alpha of the game and i want to present you what we have achieved until now. 

The core mechanics of the gameplay are finished and there are some little issues to be fixed. Gladly they are not major bugs and they will not affect the gameplay of the title. 

Right now i am working with 2 sound designers, 2 voice actors and 1 animator in order to give life to the environment of the game. We are trying to make a story that will present a dystopian future of the human kind. A realistic story that will try to show my thoughts about the future of the humanity. We aim to have a 8-10 hours long story, but because of the raised difficulty of the game it could take longer to finish the game.

In the next build i will implement a fully functional Loading system. At the moment the game will only use an auto-save system.

For any questions do not hesitate to contact me on : ionita.dan94@gmail.com


Dan Ionita


LostMemoriesPreAlphaBuild.rar 15 GB
Version 1 Jul 29, 2020

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